Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hippie = Healthy World?

I may sound like a hippie when I say this, but why can't we all love each other? Why isn't there any peace in this world? Us in the U.S. are trying to help our planet, I know. But what about everyone else? I'm not saying that they're not helping our planet, but would it be a lot easier and more effective if we all worked together? Not to sound like a pre-school teacher, of course. But something tells me that pre-school and kindergarten helps. Isn't that where they teach you to share? To apologize? To say please and thank you? I propose that everyone should go to two or three pre-school classes a month so they don't forget these simple things. Everyone would benefit, I think. The world would be a lot brighter, and happier. I need to leave now, but I want everyone who reads this to think of one thing they could improve in their life.

"We shan't be telling your mother about this, shan't we?" - Tobias.

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